And so, it begins.

“The future cannot be predicted, but futures can be invented.”

- Dennis Gabor


Some footage from Samuel W Johnson's first #concert at Medley!

♬ originalljud - Benjamin Grimm

February 2024 will forever be remembered as the month Quintessential Style broke free from the confines of this website, and made its mark in the real world.

Samuel Johnson‘s first concert was truly a sight to behold. I was nervous going into it, I have to admit, but that nervosity quickly turned into pride when Samuel seized the crowd with his music. Playing alongside other talented artists was a novel experience for Samuel, but as you can see in the video above, he’s a natural on stage. Hopefully this performance is one of many to come.

Speaking of novel experiences, you can now experience my novel Tales of the Valley: Odyssey in both e-book and paperback format! Exposing the depths of one’s imagination to the world is something I’ll have to get used to, because right now it’s quite terrifying to know people I’ve never met, and might never meet, are actively reading something I created. That being said, my confidence in Leah’s story leaving an impact on readers does not falter. Take the leap, and dive into the adventure head-first.

In other news, Project Tunes is charging ahead with his new weekly music-making series The Process. Check it out if you want to experience his music as it is being created; a nice bonus to enjoying the final products.

Here’s to many more months of continued progress. We’ve a long way ahead, but the path is clear, so we will stop for nothing.



A trip up North.


Progress Report.